Leonardo Da Vinci,Genio entre los Genios.Pintor,Observador, Científico,Anatomista,Inventor...y Hipster. Así lo demuestra en este autorretrato (Realizado en el 1512).Sus avanzadas técnicas de pintura son apreciables en el color de las gafas (También las inventó el,pero luego Ray Ban copió el modelo.No paraba el tío)
Leonardo Da Vinci,Genius.Painter, observer, scientist, Inventor, anatomist, and Hipster. This is demonstrated in this self-portrait (carried out in the 1512).Its advanced painting techniques are visible in the color of glasses (also invented the, but then Ray Ban copied model.)(Not stopped the guy)
Leonardo Da Vinci,Genius.Painter, observer, scientist, Inventor, anatomist, and Hipster. This is demonstrated in this self-portrait (carried out in the 1512).Its advanced painting techniques are visible in the color of glasses (also invented the, but then Ray Ban copied model.)(Not stopped the guy)